Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas 'Firsts' All Around

Christmas ‘Firsts’ All Around

December 25, 2016

Talk about ‘first time for everything’; this year was the boys first Christmas and our first Christmas as parents. How amazing is that? I wasn’t sure what to expect this year as honestly the time has just flown by and the boys aren’t quite old enough to appreciate Christmas.

I did put up a Christmas tree as I felt that it was very important that they have a tree for their first Christmas. It wasn’t as decorated as I normally go but it had enough decorations on it to suffice the holiday season. The boys were in awe of it, they didn’t really know what it was nor did they really bother with it too much. I was really happy with the latter of that statement as I didn’t want the 9’ tree to topple down on them. Don’t get me wrong they did go and investigate it and touch it a few times but didn’t have that much interest in playing with it. I was surprised but delighted to see that as that was one thing I didn’t have to worry about this year (next year could be a different story).

I got to hang their stockings ‘Baby’s First Christmas’ this year as well and was delighted to see them hanging there. I actually didn’t even hang up our stockings as I didn’t want to detract from their first Christmas.

As usual we didn’t go crazy for gifts as again I don’t feel that they could fully comprehend what Christmas was about and why we were even celebrating. We got them a few gifts to open Christmas morning and a few for ourselves and we were completely happy with that. We did the record them coming down the stairs and seeing their gifts under the tree as these are moments that we just won’t get back.

It’s funny as the first gifts they opened were the ones they played with the most. We got to hang out and enjoy our breakfast and just enjoy being with the boys. It was a nice and calm feeling. My brother came over to see them and give them their gifts, it was cute as they played with him and they didn’t even know that it was a special day. To them they continued to play and just go about their business, they got to see other family members and overall just had a good time. That is how Christmas should be spent, just hanging out with family and enjoying the day. I look forward to many more Christmases like this but as the boys get older the excitement will become more apparent but for now I think I will enjoy the family time each Christmas morning.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

My First Family Christmas Ornament

My First Family Christmas Ornament

November 27, 2016

Today is the day that I got to buy my first family Christmas ornament, I use to watch other people buy them all the time and I use to think to myself ‘I’m gonna get one when I have a family’. Little did I know that buying one would be such an amazing feeling. It’s funny what one little gesture does to make you feel so great…I can’t get over how much I love it and how much I love what it represents.

It took my awhile to choose what design I wanted and what I wanted on it. You would think that I was picking out my wedding ring or something. But to me that’s how special it is, it’s something that I will treasure for the rest of my life. It will hang proudly on my tree until the end of time.

Once I decided on a design I had our names put on it and ‘First Family Christmas’. It was done and I absolutely loved it, I couldn’t wait to get it home to show the Mr. He loved it too and after I put it on the tree we just kind of stared at it in disbelief and awe. That simple little thing didn’t make us a family but it made our situation more real.

This will always be my favourite Christmas ornament and I will always put it right upfront, proud to show the world my family.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

My first birthday as a mom

My First Birthday as a Mom

October 20, 2016

Today was my first birthday as a mom, you wouldn’t think that’s anything too special but to me it is. For years I celebrated my birthday with family and friends and it usually involved a dinner, gifts and drinks. We somehow always found our way to a pub or bar, but not this year. This year was a year that I spent out for dinner with my new family. We decided to go out for dinner with the little guys to BP’s, we were prepared and even brought their bumbo chairs.

As much as I would like to say that I enjoyed a drink, I passed as I was still breastfeeding and just didn’t feel comfortable having a drink as I knew there would be plenty of other times for me to have a drink or two. I did end up having a virgin drink and enjoyed my meal and feeding my little ones off my plate. Why is it that only mommy’s food tastes the best? That’s ok, I don’t mind sharing and giving them different experiences along the way.

To me this birthday celebration was a lot different than birthdays past, but I have to say I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. The joy I felt being in the restaurant and having people watch us. Possibly admiring my family, my family…something I didn’t know that I was going to be able to say. I know I sound like I am beaming with pride and to be honest I am, it’s just such a surreal feeling.

I think I’ve celebrated my birthday enough times for me to be able to sit back and appreciate my new tradition of celebrating birthdays. I don’t know what next year will bring but if it’s anything like this, I can’t wait to celebrate them.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Wish I would've captured more

Wish I would’ve captured more

September 23, 2016

I found out last week that a friend of ours is expecting and a pang of guilt ran through me quicker than I could say my own name. It’s not because I wanted to be pregnant again or anything like that, it was because when I was pregnant I didn’t capture that chapter in my life as well as I wished that I had. I don’t have as many pictures of me pregnant and I have huge regrets over that.

The one time in a woman’s life when she doesn’t want to take pictures is one of the most special times in her life and it should be documented. I wished I would’ve had someone tell me this and even though the last thing I want to do is to take pictures of myself because I feel like a whale, I really should. In my case it’s a little harder of a pill to swallow as this will more than likely be my only pregnancy. I had my children when I was older, I didn’t find the right person until then so I decided to have kids then. We were so very fortunate as we had gotten pregnant early on and it was twins. I knew it was going to be my only pregnancy but I didn’t think to document it.

I think part of the reason I didn’t was because I was feeling at my worst as I was continually getting larger and larger. My whole life as a woman, I was always concious of my weight and to feel like I was letting myself go…made it hard to want to document. Also I had unfortunately gotten pregnant at the same time those stupid Duggar girls were pregnant. I was sick and tired of seeing their faces everywhere and was feeling overwhelmed with all of their coverage on their pregnancies on social media and let’s not forget that all pregnant women, no matter how happy you are get grumpy. Your body changes and you feel like crap, things that use to be easy to do you find cumbersome and annoying. Overall, it’s not a super pleasant thing for any woman…and that overshadows all the other good stuff, which I wish I would’ve documented.

Sadly even the maternity shoot that I had booked was cancelled as the weather was terrible and the boys decided to come early. So I don’t really have that many pregnant pictures of myself and wish that I had taken more. I ask myself all the time, why didn’t I at least take the pictures of the weeks that I was pregnant. You know those typical belly shots…I want to see those and wish I wasn’t so darn stubborn and had those memories. Now I have to rely on my mind and we all know those images will get lost somewhere in there and be forgotten forever. Whatever the case may be, I tell all my pregnant friends who tell me their expecting to make sure and take the pictures along the way. You might not feel like you want to take the pictures but you really should as you won’t regret it looking back on it. It’s a chore yes but just do it for your sanity, trust me I live with that regret everyday and will continue to for the rest of my years.

I don’t know how I will ever get over it but maybe one day I will. Until then, I will continue to suffer in silence and just pretend that it doesn’t bother me.

Monday, August 29, 2016

What do you mean it's been 6 months?

What do you mean it has been 6 months?

August 29, 2016

Holy cow, I can’t believe it’s been six months since I gave birth to these two little bundles of joy. I can’t believe how the time has flown by, I now understand when parents tell me to cherish each and every moment you have with them as ‘they grow up so fast’. It’s true, our lives have been completely and totally turned upside down but I don’t think that we would have it any other way.

We knew having twins was going to be one of the hardest things we would ever have to do and boy were they right. Nothing can prepare you for the lack of sleep that you get, it’s a wonder how parents function. Don’t get me wrong, I was never one to be in bed by 9, or 10…or even 11. I was use to catching about 4-6 hours a night of sleep and still functioning as well as any other person…and then I had kids. I took for granted the 4-6 hours of uninterrupted sleep, I would say I’m getting about the same amount, maybe less but it’s interrupted. We wake up every 3 hours to feed these guys and then burp them, diaper change and back to sleep. It’s quite scheduled and it’s good to help them have a routine but man oh man is it hard for us.

Not only have they affected our sleep but they have also had us watching cartoons, I never knew there was a children’s cartoon channel that played cartoons all day. I’ve been singing nursery rhymes…which apparently I only know a few. There are so many more to learn, who knew. I’ve been counting things, on my hands and knees with them on the floor. Entertaining them is one of my new hobbies, teaching them all about the everyday normal things we take for granted in our lives. I’m more aware of what is a risk and a hazard, I’ve only had cats before so to me nothing was a hazard. I have to be on the lookout for things that I never knew existed, it’s like I’m a detective now trying to find the weaknesses in everything I never noticed before.

It's funny as I use to think I was a busy person before…and then I had twins. LOL. My days consist of feeding babes, burping babes, either swing, circle of neglect or jolly jumpers. Then cleaning and sanitizing bottles and nipples, pumping these baby feeders of mine, possibly washing my face and getting dressed. Eating if I have time and then nap time and basically start all over again until it’s time to put them to bed. It seems like a never ending cycle to be honest and it just never ends. This is what my days consist of, a whole other life that I never knew existed. Stuff I had only heard about and thought was folklore…little did I know that I would soon be one of the millions who are going through this.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining at all. My babes are a blessing and I can’t imagine my life without them now. Yes my life has changed but I like it, I am happier and feel fulfilled…I never knew I could feel like this. Like there isn’t anything missing from  my life anymore, I have a purpose. How we got to 6 months already I will never know, I am almost afraid to see what things will be like when they’re a year old. For now, I will enjoy the time I have with my babes and try to capture as much as I can on video and pictures.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

My Life is Chaos!

My Life is Chaos!

July 13, 2016

It appears that four months of my life have flown by in an instant; my babies are 4 ½ months old…where does the time go? I can’t believe I have had the pleasure of having these two wonderful bundles of joy in my life for 4 ½ months. So much has changed in these last 4 ½ months though and despite my absolute euphoric state of being a mom…I have come to see that things in my life will never be the same.

Now don’t get me wrong, I knew having a kid…let alone unexpected twins was a definite game changer and that yes, life would be busy and that yes, life would never be the same. What I wasn’t fully prepared for was the lack of normalcy. I am the type of person who thrives on normalcy and routine. I have always been a person who gets things done, who doesn’t back down from a challenge, who doesn’t ever say no. I was not prepared for that, I don’t think that any new parent is ever ready for that.

It seems that all the things that use to be so neatly organized, have been neglected and are upside down. I worry that things will get out of hand and I wonder how I will ever keep up. I mostly worry about this as I wonder what will happen when I go back to work full time. I don’t know what to expect and am honestly scared. I know that I have always been a perfectionist and things had to be ‘just so’. I have since given up on most of those tendencies as I realizes that my babes are so much more important than a sparkling stove. However in saying that I still clean my house as I want to ensure that my babes aren’t growing up in filth. I want them to have clean clothes and hot meals. I don’t want them to live in squalor and I still do as much as I can just not to the extent that I did them before.

I got a phone call from one of my credit card companies as I had forgotten to pay my bill…I have NEVER forgotten to pay the bill before. It’s little things like this that make me wonder how hard my “new” reality is going to be. Will I be able to keep up? Will I be able to make it all work? When will I sleep? Will I remember to pay my credit card bills? Will I remember to pay the utility bills?
These never use to be questions that I had to ask myself before but with my reality changing, I need to know how to approach these things. I have made the decision to hire a house cleaner as this isn’t something that I want to be doing while my babes are small. I would rather be playing with them instead of constantly cleaning. I have also decided to limit my extra curricular activities; I am taking the year off of all the sports that I use to play until I can get into some sort of routine and see not only what I can fit in but what I want to do. Sleep has become a very important part of my life…that I am lacking in and I try to catch up on it so I’m just not 100% sure what it is I want to entertain my time with.

Anyhow, I don’t want to get ahead of myself here as my babes are only 4 months old and I am in the early stages here but I am sitting here just wondering how it’s all going to work out and what my new normal is going to look like. 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Who is this woman you call mom?

Who is this woman you call Mom?

May 15, 2016

Since the end of February I was finally able to join the elusive club of ‘being a mom’. I know this might make some of you chuckle a little bit but to be honest, I wasn’t sure that I was ever going to be a part of this club. I had had many boyfriends and almost immediately after we had dated for a little while, I knew that I didn’t want to have kids. I wasn’t quiet about this decision but in the back of my mind I wasn’t always sure about this decision. Clearly this should’ve been an indicator that I was with the wrong person. However love is blind and you think you can overlook some things and that it will work out. In my case, it didn’t and as time went on and I got older, I had started to learn to accept that having kids might not be in the cards for me. 

Fast forward about 8 years and here I am a mom of twin boys. I had finally realized that at the time that I was with all my exes, I did not indeed want to have kids…with them. I didn’t realize this until I had finally met someone that I actually could see myself being married to and having kids with. Here we are today, with me trying to wrap my head around the fact that when ‘mom’ is called…it could potentially be me. How weird is that?

When I see people and they ask about the boys, I tell them that these are my first children and that they are fraternal twins…that they are my sons. How weird is that? For someone who spent their 39 years on earth only thinking about herself, her mother, sister and brother…this was definitely something new to me. I will sometimes catch myself after I’ve said “my children” or “my sons”. I have to think about it and then my mind will work out that ‘Yes, I am their mom and yes, I do have children’. LOL.

I know it sounds a little weird but I spent my whole life childless and only know that what I did, I did for myself and close family and friends. This is definitely going to take some getting use to but I don’t mind accommodating them as I have truly been blessed with two little miracles. I can’t imagine my life without them and I wonder how I went so long without having kids. I chalk it up to the time not being right and not being with the right person.  For now, I will still wonder who the mom is and eventually it will sink in that it’s me. LOL.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Welcome Home Little Ones!

Welcome Home Little Ones!

April 8 & 14, 2016

We got to bring our little ones home…on two separate days, a week apart. Yes, you read that right…two separate days. Initially we were a little surprised as we have always been together with them day in and day out. So to separate them was like tearing a piece of my heart out. We did try to get them to release both boys together but our little one needed just a little bit more time in the NICU. So we took home baby A and man oh man it was so surreal having him home…even just the one. I had never had any babies at my house before, let alone my own baby. Needless to say the first night was a little rough and scary, I had purchased a few of the Angel monitors that you can put in the babies bassinets and cribs and it will tell you if there is no movement in either one. I know it sounds a little extreme however when your babes are in the NICU for 40+ days attached to wires and you see them not remembering to breath…you tend to get a little paranoid. It was a very hard transition I tell you as we had been use to the hospital taking care of them overnight and we took care of them all day. Which meant I got to sleep a solid 7 hours…so waking every 3 to feed and pump was a little tiring. I felt even worse when I couldn’t get my big one ready to head out to the hospital to go and see my little one regularly. It was honestly the worst feeling in the world…how could I be in two places for my babes.

Luckily just short of a week later, we got permission to take my little one home with us. This made us feel complete and I have to say I was quite happy to not have to run back and forth with my babes everyday. Bringing him home was another transition but he was less demanding so it wasn’t too terrible. I was just happy to have us all under one roof, doing our best at this parenting thing.
Looking back on it now, I can see why they only released one of my babies to us. It gave us the time to get into a routine and it was a pretty harsh reality for first time parents. We went from having all the luxury time in the world to now having that time demanded by babes. It was a real eye opener, I suspect having just one new baby would be tough but having two…now that is scary. I thank the nurses everyday silently that they gave us that time to adjust so that bringing home my second babe wasn’t so bad. I suspect with most parents they release only one so that it’s an easier transition for them. I couldn’t see it at the time but it was definitely the way to do it.

Now to get use to the waking up every 3 hours on the hour and feeding my hungry boys. My oh my has life changed. I am so incredibly happy and also so not sure of what to do. I thank goodness I have the support of my significant other and other people. Wow, it’s really sinking in now that I’m a parent to twins…how lucky am I?

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Am I to Blame?

Am I to Blame?

April 2, 2016

It has been officially a month since my babes made their debut into the world and what a debut it has been. It has been love at first sight since they decided they wanted to come 7 weeks early; what can I say…the babes want to be cuddled and loved.

It has been a never-ending learning experience for us newbie parents, we come to the NICU everyday and sit with them. We do a lot of skin on skin contact with them for most of the day; we can’t seen to get enough of them. This has been our normal everyday lives, there are other little things that creep up but for the most part we are here at the hospital loving and protecting them.
Everyday as I grab one of my babies, I rest him on my chest and listen to him breathe…in and out. There are times that there are blips on the monitor and maybe I need to poke them as they’re just a little too comfortable and forget to breathe. I kiss them and hug them and just stare at them in awe…I look at their dad and think, we created these two little humans. These little ones were in my belly, kicking and moving and basically preparing me for no sleep.

I smile as I think about these things and yet I have a nagging feeling in the back of my mind. I wonder if I did something that caused them to come early. Should I maybe have just continued with the bed rest, should I have admitted myself to the hospital to ensure that I kept them in longer. It is a feeling of guilt that I carry around with me since the day they were born, it seems to be the natural mommy protection mode. I can’t seem to shake it and always wonder, could I have done anything different to prevent my babies from coming 7 weeks early?

I stare at them as we’re in the NICU and wonder to myself, what should I have done differently? I have asked a few of the nurses here and they’re really good about telling me that it wasn’t my fault they came early…they just did. I know that they’ve probably heard it all before and are just trying to put my mind at ease. I know what they are saying is true and that I may not have been able to do anything to prevent them from coming early. But that doesn’t stop the guilt from coming each and every day. There are days that are harder than others in the NICU…and I wonder, did I do that? Did I make it difficult for my babies as they’re here early? Will there be long term side affects? Will this just be a blip in the radar as time goes on? How do I get rid of the guilt? Will I ever get rid of the guilt?

I can’t answer that last question but I know that I feel it everyday…

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Missing my mom now more that I'm a mom

Missing My Mom More Now That I’m a Mom

March 20, 2016

I have been a mom for exactly 21 days now and boy oh boy has it been an amazing feeling. Words seriously can’t describe the joy and contentment that these two boys bring to my life. I have heard people say that who have had children and honestly it is such an amazing feeling, that you really can’t describe in words how you feel.

For me, I feel as though my life is complete now that I have them. I had always thought that I had everything that I ever needed to be happy and live a long life. Then these two came along and I was finally able to experience what true love and true happiness is. I can’t speak for anyone else but to me, that’s the best way that I can describe it.

The only thing that I am missing right now in my life is my mom, I now understand some of the hard things she had to do and why she did them. She did so much for us and I never recognized it, the love that she felt for us was probably just as great as the love that I feel for my children. I so wish that she were here right now so that she could see how amazing these two little men in my life are. How precious they are and how much spunk they already have, she would’ve loved them. She would’ve demanded to see them everyday, even if she was in the hospital and sick. It would have been a dream come true for her as I think she always wanted to be a grandparent. She would’ve been so good at it; I can only imagine how amazing she would have been. My kids would’ve been spoiled but it would’ve been worth it for her to get to spend some time with my little ones. Oh, how I miss her so.

She could’ve given me advice on things that I know I have no idea about, as I am a first time mom. I know that she would’ve helped me with any of those normal questions that you get to ask your mom. I will sometimes hear friends talk about their mom and how they get to ask them questions or how helpful they are and I think to myself…”I have no mom to ask these questions”. Then I start to tear up and think “this sucks” and “I wish my mom was here”.

I’m good most days as I am kept pretty busy with these little ones so I don’t really have the time to ‘woes is me’ but I am human and I have my moments where I wish I could talk to her and I wish that she could see them and hold them and talk to them.

Shortly after my mom passed away I was talking with one of my Auntie’s and I had said to her that I wished that I had given my mom grandchildren. I cried all the way home as I thought about that statement and how much it would’ve meant to her to have grandbabies. It pained me that I couldn’t give her that one thing…but as I thought about it, I think it would’ve been that much harder for her to leave and let them go as well as us.

I hadn’t given that conversation much thought until I started to write this post. I guess I always knew she wanted grandbabies and now that I have them, she’s not here to enjoy them. Weird how things work out. I know that she would tell me what I need to hear to make me feel better and I know she would answer any questions that I had about them. She would’ve been a wonderful grandmother. I have missed my mom everyday since she passed away…I just seem to be feeling the distance a little more now that I’m a mom.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Our First Few Days

Our First Few Days…

March 2, 2016

Well it’s only been a few days since our little bundles of joy have come into this world and I couldn’t be more delighted. With my babes coming into the world a little earlier than they were suppose to, we are scheduled to stay in the NICU for a little while. Apparently, in the last trimester, the babes in the womb develop the knowledge that sucking, swallowing and breathing all happen at different times. Because they were born at 32 weeks and 6 days, they haven’t quite developed that particular skill.

They are big boys according to the nurses here, all they have to do is grow and learn those skills I mentioned above. This is such great news to us as we were worried something might be wrong or they may need more help but my babes are doing great and they mentioned moving us closer to home for convenience and the beds in this hospital may be needed for more urgent babes.
Speaking of this hospital, we didn’t plan on having the boys here as it’s not exactly the closest hospital to us. But by some miracle and turn of fate, the boys were born here in the exact same hospital that both the Mr. and I were born in.

We had planned to have them closer to home but it was discovered when I was 24 weeks pregnant that I had a shortened cervix and because of the situation, this was the best hospital for us as they deal with these types of things on a daily basis. We would come here weekly to get an ultrasound (after I was put on bedrest), to ensure that nothing had changed and that the babes were still growing. Week after week, we would come to my scheduled appointment and week after week we would wait for over an hour to get seen. We would always get the ok and to keep doing what I was doing as it was good for the babes and nothing had changed. Every week was another week the babes stayed inside to bake and we would get closer and closer to our goal of 32 weeks. This is when the babes are safest to come, should they come early. Their lungs have developed and they have a really good chance of no long term lung damage or issues.

They stayed in there until they needed to and I remember walking out of the hospital when I reached 32 weeks. The doctors said they didn’t want to see me again until it was time for the babes to come. They said the babes and I were healthy and to keep taking it easy, I thought we were good to go and that they would stay in there just 3-4 weeks longer. Little did I know 6 days later they wanted to make an appearance. Now here we sit watching them sleep, spending our days with them on us, skin on skin. Listening to them breath, watching for any noise on the monitor. They are just so precious to us and we are both so emotional that we can’t talk about how happy they make us without crying.  It’s just so amazing how much we love these two little men and yet we just met them.

It’s going to be a little while until we get to take them home and it’s a little overwhelming seeing them attached to the monitors but it’s for the best and they are in the safest place possible…second to my womb. I don’t know how long we will be here but we are going to enjoy spending every minute with them…even if it is in the NICU.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Seeing Double a Little Early

Seeing Double…A Little Early

February 29, 2016

Today was the day that I became a mother, I hadn’t planned on it as my due date wasn’t for another 7 weeks. I was however carrying twins so the due date was more like 4-5 weeks away. My boys decided that they wanted to meet us and make their entrance into this world.

The day started like any other, I woke up and went downstairs to have a tea and take my meds. I did just that and decided to skip breakfast. I was being extra lazy today and didn’t really want to move off of the couch so I just laid there and hung out. After a few hours had passed, I decided to get up and make my way to the bathroom and make some food. I got up and took a few steps and the weirdest thing happened…water trickled down my leg. Not a large amount of water but a little bit. I immediately was scared as I had zero signs of going into labour and couldn’t figure out what was wrong. I called Healthlink and the Mr. both of them said to head to the hospital. The Mr. and I chatted and I still had no signs and after some deliberation we decided not to take the bag I had yet to pack. We figured it was just Braxton hicks and that I would be sent home as I wasn’t due for another 4-5 weeks.

I got into the car and we headed to the hospital where I had been going for my weekly checkups and on the way there I started to feel some serious pain, as in contraction pains. We started to time them and they were about 3-5 minutes apart. We both had a panicked look on our faces and were quite surprised but again chalked it up to Braxton hicks and I would just breath through them and we would carry on our way. We got to the hospital and luckily I paid attention in class and went to labour and delivery instead of the ER. We made our way up to the 4th floor and signed in; the pain was a little more persistent as I waited for someone in a bed. A doctor came around and we talked and then she checked to see if I was indeed having Braxton hicks and it turns out…I was 4-5cms dilated. Both the Mr. and I were totally caught off guard and looked at each other and said “Ok, I guess it’s time”.

Thanks to our prenatal class we were very prepared and knew what to say when asked all of the questions. It was mayhem to be honest, people were everywhere and everyone was asking questions. After they got things in place and all the questions were answered it was quite a quiet process. I opted for the epidural as with twins it is “recommended” but not recommended. We waited for that to come and once I had it done, I felt no pain at all. Then we just waited for what seemed like forever, I dilated naturally about 1cm an hour. All I could think was man oh man, I hope these babies stay inside of me until March 1st as I didn’t want leap year babies.

Once I was fully dilated, I started to push and push and push. It is definitely not like the movies, the waiting and the pushing. The breathing and the people…it is just a never ending barrage of people, nurses, doctors, residents, nursing students, the epidural person and plenty other people I just can’t remember. After 2hrs of unsuccessful pushing, we were offered a c-section…again thanks to our prenatal class we were fully prepared for that and agreed that these babies just weren’t moving.

I was prepped for surgery and wheeled to another room where the epidural was turned down a bit between pushes as the resident didn’t think I could feel the urge to push…like really?? Ask any mom who has gone into labour and even with drugs, your body tells you when to push. As I was wheeled to the operating room, my pain increased between contractions…meaning my body was ready to get these little men out to the world and the epidural was turned down more than they let me know.
The trip felt as though it took hours, when in reality it was minutes. I once again got to meet a whole other group of people who would be helping me bring these little men into our world. It was an organized process or so it seemed, I think it was not so hectic or frenzied as the boys weren’t in distress and neither was I.  After I got hooked back up to the epidural and was comfortable, they began to get my babies out. The Mr. was there in the room with me and then we waited, the doctors were really good about letting us know what was happening so nothing was a surprise. We heard the doctor say “Oh that’s why he didn’t want to come out”, turns out my first babe wanted to come out shoulder first…as a backstory, once he discovered my cervix, he never left it. LOL. A few minutes later at 11:44PM on February 29th the doctor said to us “Congratulations, it’s a boy” and then we heard him cry…oh, what a feeling. I have never been so happy to hear a cry from a baby, I knew this was a good sign and couldn’t wait to see one of my little men. The nurse came around the corner and there he was…my big man, my first child, my son. All I could do was cry as a wave of happiness came over me and all I wanted to do was to hold him but I know that I couldn’t as he needed to be assessed because he was eager to get out to meet us.

The nurse took him and I told the Mr. to go with them, as this was the plan we decided on from prenatal as we knew that the babies would be taken to be assessed in the attached room right beside us. He would go with the first babe born and I would stay with the other…until he made his debut into the world. Once our first born was assessed and all signs were good, the Mr. came back to see our second little man make his entrance. The doctor once again said at 11:45PM on February 29th “Congratulations, it’s another boy”! We once again looked at each other and smiled and cried, my little one however was quickly shown to us in a drive by. He was a little smaller and they had to break his sack in order to get him out as he was completely content waiting another 4-5 weeks. He cried and was breathing but just to be safe they took him to the assessment room to make sure he was ok. We once again cried and the Mr. accompanied them both to the room and I told him to stay with them until they got me sorted out and into recovery.

Everything after that seemed to be a blur, I was too drugged up to really comprehend anything and I was exhausted. Not only did I push for 2hrs but I also had a c-section…I literally went through two procedures at the same time. My body had reached it’s limit and I was done. I remember them wheeling me into recovery, where they wheeled my babes in to see us and I touched their heads and saw one baby who looked just like me and another baby who looked just like his dad. It was remarkable that I was able to carry these two tiny human beings inside of me and love them as much as I did. I just wanted to be with them but realized that I couldn’t so I sent the Mr. to be with them and I would sleep for a bit. The recovery team took me to my room and got me settled…I remember having and seeing family but I can’t tell you what we talked about. I just remember being so elated and happy beyond words…the Mr. was really good as he stayed with our little men while they were being monitored. I can’t tell you how crazy of a time it was but I can sure tell you that I feel as though we did everything right. I never in a million years knew what it was going to feel like to be a mother…but I also never thought that I was going to ever be given the opportunity to be a mother. It really is a feeling of completeness, I didn’t know that this is what I was missing in my life. For years I had friends who had children and I would always ask how they felt. They would always say, so happy and amazing…but I never fully understood it until I became a mother. I guess the old adage is true, you never really know until it happens to you.

I am over the moon happy with becoming a mom to my two special little men, I don’t have names picked out for them but their dad and I have settled on two…we just have to see who fits what name better. I hope this feeling never ends as I can honestly say that I have never been this happy in my life before…all thanks to my little men’s debut into the world.