Monday, February 29, 2016

Seeing Double a Little Early

Seeing Double…A Little Early

February 29, 2016

Today was the day that I became a mother, I hadn’t planned on it as my due date wasn’t for another 7 weeks. I was however carrying twins so the due date was more like 4-5 weeks away. My boys decided that they wanted to meet us and make their entrance into this world.

The day started like any other, I woke up and went downstairs to have a tea and take my meds. I did just that and decided to skip breakfast. I was being extra lazy today and didn’t really want to move off of the couch so I just laid there and hung out. After a few hours had passed, I decided to get up and make my way to the bathroom and make some food. I got up and took a few steps and the weirdest thing happened…water trickled down my leg. Not a large amount of water but a little bit. I immediately was scared as I had zero signs of going into labour and couldn’t figure out what was wrong. I called Healthlink and the Mr. both of them said to head to the hospital. The Mr. and I chatted and I still had no signs and after some deliberation we decided not to take the bag I had yet to pack. We figured it was just Braxton hicks and that I would be sent home as I wasn’t due for another 4-5 weeks.

I got into the car and we headed to the hospital where I had been going for my weekly checkups and on the way there I started to feel some serious pain, as in contraction pains. We started to time them and they were about 3-5 minutes apart. We both had a panicked look on our faces and were quite surprised but again chalked it up to Braxton hicks and I would just breath through them and we would carry on our way. We got to the hospital and luckily I paid attention in class and went to labour and delivery instead of the ER. We made our way up to the 4th floor and signed in; the pain was a little more persistent as I waited for someone in a bed. A doctor came around and we talked and then she checked to see if I was indeed having Braxton hicks and it turns out…I was 4-5cms dilated. Both the Mr. and I were totally caught off guard and looked at each other and said “Ok, I guess it’s time”.

Thanks to our prenatal class we were very prepared and knew what to say when asked all of the questions. It was mayhem to be honest, people were everywhere and everyone was asking questions. After they got things in place and all the questions were answered it was quite a quiet process. I opted for the epidural as with twins it is “recommended” but not recommended. We waited for that to come and once I had it done, I felt no pain at all. Then we just waited for what seemed like forever, I dilated naturally about 1cm an hour. All I could think was man oh man, I hope these babies stay inside of me until March 1st as I didn’t want leap year babies.

Once I was fully dilated, I started to push and push and push. It is definitely not like the movies, the waiting and the pushing. The breathing and the people…it is just a never ending barrage of people, nurses, doctors, residents, nursing students, the epidural person and plenty other people I just can’t remember. After 2hrs of unsuccessful pushing, we were offered a c-section…again thanks to our prenatal class we were fully prepared for that and agreed that these babies just weren’t moving.

I was prepped for surgery and wheeled to another room where the epidural was turned down a bit between pushes as the resident didn’t think I could feel the urge to push…like really?? Ask any mom who has gone into labour and even with drugs, your body tells you when to push. As I was wheeled to the operating room, my pain increased between contractions…meaning my body was ready to get these little men out to the world and the epidural was turned down more than they let me know.
The trip felt as though it took hours, when in reality it was minutes. I once again got to meet a whole other group of people who would be helping me bring these little men into our world. It was an organized process or so it seemed, I think it was not so hectic or frenzied as the boys weren’t in distress and neither was I.  After I got hooked back up to the epidural and was comfortable, they began to get my babies out. The Mr. was there in the room with me and then we waited, the doctors were really good about letting us know what was happening so nothing was a surprise. We heard the doctor say “Oh that’s why he didn’t want to come out”, turns out my first babe wanted to come out shoulder first…as a backstory, once he discovered my cervix, he never left it. LOL. A few minutes later at 11:44PM on February 29th the doctor said to us “Congratulations, it’s a boy” and then we heard him cry…oh, what a feeling. I have never been so happy to hear a cry from a baby, I knew this was a good sign and couldn’t wait to see one of my little men. The nurse came around the corner and there he was…my big man, my first child, my son. All I could do was cry as a wave of happiness came over me and all I wanted to do was to hold him but I know that I couldn’t as he needed to be assessed because he was eager to get out to meet us.

The nurse took him and I told the Mr. to go with them, as this was the plan we decided on from prenatal as we knew that the babies would be taken to be assessed in the attached room right beside us. He would go with the first babe born and I would stay with the other…until he made his debut into the world. Once our first born was assessed and all signs were good, the Mr. came back to see our second little man make his entrance. The doctor once again said at 11:45PM on February 29th “Congratulations, it’s another boy”! We once again looked at each other and smiled and cried, my little one however was quickly shown to us in a drive by. He was a little smaller and they had to break his sack in order to get him out as he was completely content waiting another 4-5 weeks. He cried and was breathing but just to be safe they took him to the assessment room to make sure he was ok. We once again cried and the Mr. accompanied them both to the room and I told him to stay with them until they got me sorted out and into recovery.

Everything after that seemed to be a blur, I was too drugged up to really comprehend anything and I was exhausted. Not only did I push for 2hrs but I also had a c-section…I literally went through two procedures at the same time. My body had reached it’s limit and I was done. I remember them wheeling me into recovery, where they wheeled my babes in to see us and I touched their heads and saw one baby who looked just like me and another baby who looked just like his dad. It was remarkable that I was able to carry these two tiny human beings inside of me and love them as much as I did. I just wanted to be with them but realized that I couldn’t so I sent the Mr. to be with them and I would sleep for a bit. The recovery team took me to my room and got me settled…I remember having and seeing family but I can’t tell you what we talked about. I just remember being so elated and happy beyond words…the Mr. was really good as he stayed with our little men while they were being monitored. I can’t tell you how crazy of a time it was but I can sure tell you that I feel as though we did everything right. I never in a million years knew what it was going to feel like to be a mother…but I also never thought that I was going to ever be given the opportunity to be a mother. It really is a feeling of completeness, I didn’t know that this is what I was missing in my life. For years I had friends who had children and I would always ask how they felt. They would always say, so happy and amazing…but I never fully understood it until I became a mother. I guess the old adage is true, you never really know until it happens to you.

I am over the moon happy with becoming a mom to my two special little men, I don’t have names picked out for them but their dad and I have settled on two…we just have to see who fits what name better. I hope this feeling never ends as I can honestly say that I have never been this happy in my life before…all thanks to my little men’s debut into the world.

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