Thursday, October 20, 2016

My first birthday as a mom

My First Birthday as a Mom

October 20, 2016

Today was my first birthday as a mom, you wouldn’t think that’s anything too special but to me it is. For years I celebrated my birthday with family and friends and it usually involved a dinner, gifts and drinks. We somehow always found our way to a pub or bar, but not this year. This year was a year that I spent out for dinner with my new family. We decided to go out for dinner with the little guys to BP’s, we were prepared and even brought their bumbo chairs.

As much as I would like to say that I enjoyed a drink, I passed as I was still breastfeeding and just didn’t feel comfortable having a drink as I knew there would be plenty of other times for me to have a drink or two. I did end up having a virgin drink and enjoyed my meal and feeding my little ones off my plate. Why is it that only mommy’s food tastes the best? That’s ok, I don’t mind sharing and giving them different experiences along the way.

To me this birthday celebration was a lot different than birthdays past, but I have to say I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. The joy I felt being in the restaurant and having people watch us. Possibly admiring my family, my family…something I didn’t know that I was going to be able to say. I know I sound like I am beaming with pride and to be honest I am, it’s just such a surreal feeling.

I think I’ve celebrated my birthday enough times for me to be able to sit back and appreciate my new tradition of celebrating birthdays. I don’t know what next year will bring but if it’s anything like this, I can’t wait to celebrate them.

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