Tuesday, March 27, 2018



March 27, 2018

It’s been 20 years since this show was last on the air, they decided to do a reboot of the show this year. I decided to watch it, as did 18 million other people…it’s still a hit! As soon as I heard the music and Roseanne’s memorable laugh I couldn’t help but be brought back to a time when I was still living at home with the parents and we would all congregate around the television to watch it.

We could relate to the financial struggles the family was having as could the rest of the world. It was the 90’s and I think a lot of people were falling on economic hard times. I think most of the world was experiencing the penny pinching and the just getting by. Having to raise kids on one or less incomes…this was reality.

Our family was no exception to this rule, my dad wanted my mom to raise us children and not work. We were one of those blue collar families who could relate, so to us it was nice to see a family on TV who was more like us. We have all since grown up and are in better places financially, the world has continued to evolve around us and grow despite the hard times.

I find it interesting that the show would come back on the air 20 years later and be a huge hit again. Have we all evolved back to the place where we’ve started? Or has that little changed that people can still relate?

I honestly have no opinion either way, I just find it interesting is all. I personally wouldn’t mind going back to the simpler times when families stayed together and grew together. I think we’re missing that in our lives. That human connection to help guide us through our lives…to help make us happy and better people. We all know we want better for our children and we want to be better people, maybe taking a few steps back can help us get closer to this goal.

Either way, I’m going to keep watching a show that I use to love as a child and continue to love as an adult. Maybe people can learn a few things about life and we can get back to having some human communication.

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