Sunday, March 25, 2018

Walt Disney

Walt Disney

March 25, 2018

I was getting dinner ready for the fam jam on this beautiful March Sunday afternoon and the television was on CBC and all of a sudden the Walt Disney logo and song came on…you know the one that comes on before all Disney movies. Where the sparkles go around the castle and Walt Disney is spelled out…’When you wish upon a star’.

It immediately brings me back to being a child, I remember every Sunday at 6 o’clock the theme would come on and a Disney animated movie would play. It could’ve been Snow White and the seven dwarfs, Bambi, Cinderella…whatever their heart desired. There was no order to them, they would just play a Disney movie and we as a family would all sit around the television and eat our dinner there enjoying the animated movie.

I miss those days as I’m sure the parents would get prepared for the week as the kids were busy watching the movie. Things were so simple then…it seems now you have to buy them on blu-ray or DVD. They re-release them but they are so expensive and I don’t know that is something I want to invest a whole lot of money into as the format in which they play is ever changing.

Now that I have kids though I do want to buy more, I will take a peek at some thrift stores and garage sales as I would feel more comfortable spending a few bucks on each DVD rather than 20 dollars each. Funny thing is I would rather buy some of the older ones for myself but newer ones for my babes. I guess in time we will find that happy medium of Disney movies…until then I guess I’ll remember my Sundays as a child.

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