Thursday, March 1, 2018

My babies are two!

My Babies are Two!!

March 1, 2018

Oh em gee, my babies are two!! Where in the hell did the time go? It’s true when all those parents tell you to take in everything when they’re little as the time goes by so quickly. It is 100% true!! I have been trying to document everything about these two monsters as they really truly are growing up too quickly.

As the days were approaching their second birthday I was contemplating what to do. The pressure from all the parents that we know has been absolutely ridiculous. The parent shaming about not having a birthday party has been pretty hard to fend off. I have been pretty evasive with everyone as honestly in my heart of hearts I don’t believe that my children need a huge birthday party.

They are two and they aren’t going to remember, I know this firsthand as I don’t remember anything from when I was two…nor do any of my friends. I am a firm believer in having home birthday celebrations with the family, there doesn’t need to be any huge parties…not at this age. I know as they get older there will be a lot of invites and in time I will have to start hosting birthday parties for the boys. But I am biding my time until then as it’s a huge expense, a lot of time is needed and the boys don’t care as long as they get balloons to play with. I have at 4 more years of this, I hope.

For this year, I decided to just have us four with cake, balloons and a couple of gifts. Like I said, I’m trying to be reasonable about it and not go overboard with anything. These boys need for nothing and get pretty much anything that is needed when it’s required. I am by no means a minimalist but I do have limits on toys that take over the house and giving things for the sake of giving things.

I know when I was pregnant I wanted to instill these values in my kids so that they would appreciate things and also understand the meaning of giving. I want them to experience everything but also know that things won’t be given to them for the sake of giving them things. They will have to earn things and they will also learn the importance of giving back to the community. I will do my best to do that but there is always those parents that will parent shame me for not doing whatever the latest fad is and I’m ok with that. In the end it will be my kids will have the memories that we did celebrate their birthdays and that these are important days. If they grow up and want to have bigger birthday parties that will be great as well, until then I will enjoy the smaller more intimate family birthday celebrations.

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