Thursday, March 15, 2018



March 15, 2018

I watched a documentary about the 90’s and man did it bring back a lot of memories. One of the things that stood out was the creation of Netscape, holy have we come a long way. When Netscape came out I was living in a small-ass hicktown and was so disconnected to all of this and can honestly say that I didn’t know much about the internet. So you can imagine that I didn’t get fully immersed into the who online world until much later in my life and really didn’t notice or appreciate what was going on all around me at the time.

It reminded me that I actually had to take a course or two on how to turn a computer on. I had no idea this whole other world existed and I had just let it slip me by. Once I started to immerse myself in the online world and learned a few more skills, I was off and running.

I thought I had learned quite a bit in my short time in classes but then was introduced to a whole other online world…called ‘chat rooms’. It was actually my mom who introduced me to them as she was an early adopter to the whole computer world. I found that kind of funny as my mom was with us in hicktown nowehere and didn’t get involved with computers until she had moved back to Alberta.

She had set me up with an account and username, she showed me how to navigate in there and when to end a chat. It was funny as I never thought that my mom would be the one to introduce me to chat rooms.

Even saying the words chat room makes me laugh…I don’t know that these even exist anymore. But it definitely puts into perspective how far we’ve come from Netscape and dial-up. The discovery and implementation was definitely revolutionary for it’s time…we just didn’t know it.

I don’t know that we thought we could come as far as we’ve come…us common users that it. I suspect the “real thinkers” of this time, you know Steve Jobs and Bill Gates knew we would all along.

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