Monday, February 12, 2018

Jock Jams

Jock Jams

February 12, 2018

Driving into class this morning I heard the ESPN Jock Jams song and it reminded me when I was working at the ski hill with my mom. This song was in it’s prime so it was 1990-something and on our local radio station it was played every day at 5PM.

We worked in the kitchen and would have some pretty rough days but come 5 o’clock every evening we would crank up the volume and wait. Like clockwork, the DJ would announce that it’s quitting time and let’s get ready to rumble…then the song would play. We listened to the entirety of the song and would sing along and dance to it. The next thing we knew the rest of the people who were near us would start to dance and sing along with us. I don’t know if it was the song or if it was us…either way it was an enjoyable thing for all of us.

To this day I still enjoy this song and love hearing it. I still crank it up and I still sing along and dance to it. It’s one of those memories that I will always cherish because it’s a memory with my mom.

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