Friday, January 19, 2018

New Technology

New Technology??

January 19, 2018

I was driving into work today listening to the 90’s on 9 and a little note came us on the screen that said ‘What’s next on deck…five-disc changer’.

I thought back to when I had a five-disc changer and how handy it was and then remembered how my Mr. (at that time) and I went over to a friends house and he had a 100 CD disc changer. We were in awe and thought it was one of the most amazing things we had seen and it was so technologically advanced.

You could hit the random button and listen to music for hours and you truly wouldn’t know what was going to come up. Nowadays we have all these playlists because everyone has all their music digitally on their computers. But in reality these playlists aren’t that random because they are all controlled. I miss the randomness and allure of the CD changer, I could look into getting another one but that would involve the purchase of speakers and other things…not something that I want to get into. Definitely something to think about so that we don’t forget what we use to think was ‘technologically advanced’ was just the beginning of where we are today.

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