Monday, March 19, 2012

How Do They Keep Up?

Now that I’ve immersed myself into the ‘blogging world’; I have decided to follow some very interesting blogs that I have stumbled upon. It is a very diverse list as there are many things that have attracted me to them; I can’t explain all of the reason or else we’ll be here all night.

There is one blog in particular that I follow and I find it very interesting as the blogger is very close with all of their college friends and they seem to get together a lot. At first I couldn’t figure it out and then realized that the blogger in question was only 25ish. I remember being 25 and always being with friends; it was a great time in my life. If only I had blogged about it eh?

Oh well, my loss. Anyhow the point I was trying to make was that I can’t for the life of me figure out how this blogger keeps up with everything that is going on in their lives. I mean I know when we were that age we were able to go on less sleep and just basically ‘give the world hell’. But this blogger is doing it all…literally.

Working (I think full time?); cooking home cooked meals (from scratch); hosting parties (a least once a month); decorating for every season (which is damn near impossible); dressing the part of successful businessperson; blogging (at minimum) once a week; on Pinterest; on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr all while not gaining a pound and looking great doing it. Don’t forget continuing to keep up with the friendships, which has led this person to be in 8 different weddings. I must admit my wanting to be a bridesmaid jealousy is definitely raising it’s ugly head right now…but I’m more interested in how this person keeps up?

I not only want to know for pure curiosity’s sake; but so that I too can live the (what seems like) a very well organized life. I want to know the secret…I know in the movie ‘I Don’t Know How She Does It’ that there are faucets of her life that Sarah Jessica Parker’s character is missing out on. We get to see the downside of it, but with this blogger it just all seems so surreal.

I mean I know that in the blogging world we all try to show the world the best of our lives but really sometimes I would be nice to know that this person is real and that their whole life isn’t just a facade. I don’t mean to sound harsh I just want to know that someone that I’m following also deals with struggles (not enough time) like we all do out in the ‘real world’.

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