Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Year Without Resolutions...

Interesting how I am following up with this blog as the one before (January 1, 2011 A Time for Thinking or A Time for Guilt?) seemed so inspiring and positive that you would’ve thought that I would’ve been ‘chomping at the bit’ (so to speak) to make some New Year’s resolutions…however I didn’t.

After showing just how easy it was I wasn’t sure if I even needed to make any resolutions this year. After 25 days of no resolutions, I decided that yes the freedom to not worry about breaking them has been awfully nice. But the feeling of actually sticking to them is even better!

I decided that I would come up with a few resolutions of my own to see if that would motivate me a little more. Oddly enough they were very simple to come up with and somewhat achievable. The first one was to join a gym again, check! The second one was to work out more often, check! The third one was to read one book a month, check!

Once I got the hang of it, it was pretty straight forward and almost inspiring. It’s almost like I needed to have the resolutions in place to motivate me...it’s odd I know but once I got those bad boys down on paper, I actually felt like I was more inspired to complete them.

Once I used my new found knowledge of how to actually make a New Year’s resolution that was actually achievable, I ran away with it. The three resolutions that I have listed are not the only resolutions that I made. In fact I think I made about 8 in total…all realistic and achievable. They are listed below:

  • Join a gym
  • Workout more often
  • Read a book once a month
  • Wear a skirt to work once a month
  • Keep in touch with family members outside of the province
  • Work on my 'To Do' list
  • Take more pictures
  • Eat less take out food
They seem pretty reasonable and not to narrow, you would think that not having resolutions would be more appealing to me. However here I sit writing them down for all of the world to see, so maybe I will be much more motivated.

So get off your butt and make some resolutions so that we can all be motivated!

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