Tuesday, February 5, 2008

House Arrest...the Good Kind.

Here I am at home and have been since January 31, 2008. I've left twice and both times I was driven to my destination. I recently got cataract surgery and have not been able to live the life that I have become so accustomed to...driving being the thing I dream about most. Luckily for me, I am on the mend and healing well. The day after my surgery I went in for a 6:45AM appointment and was given the green light that there was no infection and it's healing well. The only problem I have with that is that my sight is not back to what it was or noticeably improved. I know it hasn't even been a week yet, but I am quite impatient as you can tell from the title of this blog. I am in quite a rigorous schedule of drops and pills; that should calm down 7 days post-op (which is my new word of the month) But it's still annoying to not be able to watch TV for too long, or read for too long or go on the computer for too long. I mean how many things out there can you do with your eyes closed??

Tonight I am going to go on a trial run just down the road to see how my driving is, as I have class tomorrow night and have to drive myself there. I've had a few offers but I live so far from everyone that it seems a little bit of an inconvenience...and I am also so damn independent...god forbid I actually rely on somebody! I know I sound a little ticked off, but I just have to keep myself entertained for the next week and a half. So far I have been pretty good...I have a 'To Do' list and it's about 3 pages long of stuff that I know I have to do but never seem to have the time. Here I sit with all the time in the world and I feel great for being able to work through about 20 things so far. Did I mention that I have only really been mobile since Monday?? Yep, I've been busy. But I tell ya, when everyone else is doing their spring cleaning I will have already done mine. LOL

Anyhow I am going to try and be a bit more patient and enjoy the time I have off because I believe just a few blogs ago I was complaining that I had no time. So here I sit...letting my patience get the better of me when I should be embracing this time off and thanking myself for getting all of my 'To Do' things done.

Now where can I go to get a few things welded together?? Don't laugh this really is on my 'To Do' list. LOL

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