Sunday, August 12, 2007

And so Ends Another Season

Yep, that's it...ball is done. I can't believe another season has come and gone so quickly. It feels like only yesterday I was complaining about how crappy I was doing; Oh wait that was only last week! LOL

Even after the complaining I am still sad to have to pack away the ol' ball bag. Which by the way isn't so old anymore...I've upgraded to a new pink model! But just having the pack it away and knowing that it'll be sitting in storage for the next 9 months still breaks my heart.

How do I get over this? Well, there really isn’t ways to have the feelings go away; they just do over time. I know despite my complaining of my poor play at the end of the season, I will still miss it. I will long for the days when the sun is shining, the grass is green and the world is my ball field.

So here is to another season, it may not have been my best but I still loved it anyway!

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