Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

August 23, 2018

It’s that time of year again, where to roads get busier, it takes longer to get anywhere, accidents are a plenty and the kids go back to school. Yes, the kids go back to school…

I’ve seen all the commercials of back to school, with ‘The Most Wonderful Time of the Year’ song playing in the background…well done Staples. I’ve read the signs on my way to work letting everyone know when the offices are open and when school officially starts. I am well aware of the phenomenon that is happening.

What I don’t like about this phenomenon is the increased volume of traffic, the idiot drivers (where were they all summer?) and the length of time it takes to get anywhere you need to be. I have often wondered for many years, who are these drivers? Where do they go all summer? Are they really the ones to blame for the accidents?

I can’t say for sure but all I know is that this time of year is not something most people are looking forward to. I think the only ones who are truly and incredible happy are the parents whose kids have been home all summer. I could see them being excited about the return of school…I suspect I will be in the same boat when my children go to school.

I don’t know what it is, I just enjoy the open road and knowing I can get to a destination in 20 minutes or less. Even the construction isn’t bothersome as it’s easier to get through when we aren’t lined up for blocks. People seem to be kinder and more patient and there are for sure less accidents. I suspect that last one has something to do with the road conditions.

Either way the easy summer driving will be coming to an end bringing with it mass amounts of people who are either grumpy or rushed or both. I’m going to miss the carefree days of leaving a little later and will be forced to leave the house a little earlier so that my kids can get to daycare and I can get to work on time.

For now, I guess I’ll enjoy the extra time that I’ll have with my littles in the mornings. While I pine away for summer to come again so we can get back to the leisurely drives to and from work.

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, I think not.

Friday, August 17, 2018



August 17, 2018

I use to date this guy who use to tell me that he really enjoyed August. He told me it was because it was hot during the day but cool at night...keep in mind he didn't have air conditioning. I use to think he was crazy, being the summer gal that I am I couldn’t fathom anyone liking the Fall/Winter months more than Summer. To be honest, I still prefer summer and love the hot weather. Don’t get me wrong I also enjoy the cool evenings but it makes me sad. The reason I get sad is because I know that soon enough we will be forced to bundle up in our cold and harsh winter months.There will be snow on the ground before we know it, we will be stuck in our homes as the temperatures will be unbearable and not enjoyable…let’s face it no one likes to go out when it’s cold.

What I will be looking forward to is the pumpkin spice EVERYTHING. Being able to decorate the house and get it ready for Fall as well as Halloween with my boys. I will also be looking forward to Christmas and getting those trees  up and decorated…what I won’t be looking forward to is continually telling my kids “no, don’t touch the ornaments”. I guess I have to do it some time, I might as well get a start on it. Then there is the looooooooong January, this is something no one looks forward to.

So as you can see, I am not a huge fan of August as this means that the hot weather that we all enjoy is coming to an end. The flowers that we planted in late May/early June will be dying off and I’ll have to clean out the flower pots. Any yard work that I put off during the summer will have to get finished off or put off until next summer. Then there is putting away anything that might break over the winter, anything that will fade or get damaged by the snow and winter sun. I feel as though I’m not only packing away a season but that I’m putting everything on hold until next year.

I cram everything into the shed and garage looking forward to when I can pull it all out again, I feel like our summers could be longer and our winter’s could be shorter…is this too much to ask? I know I’m just bitching and there is plenty to be happy about during the Fall and Winter months but tell me again why I should like August?

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Art really does imitate life

                            Art really does imitate life

I watched a show today and was thrown for a complete loop as there was a scene in there where a woman goes to visit an elderly woman in a health care facility. I was immediately transported back to when I use to go and visit my mom everyday. I swear that could've been me walking in to see that woman. I would go to feed her supper everyday as she had limited mobility of her hands and had a hard time with it.

I saw this scene and immediately started to cry, I wasn't able to control the crying let alone know what the heck was going on in the show. It was a scene that I had lived for so many years and to see it on TV really just surprised me. 

I thought of my mom, and how much I miss her...still. How I feel like sometimes I am not able to remember all the details of our time together. I know that the good memories for sure stick out in my mind. But some of the bad details I've pushed aside or simply forgotten. I know that my life has me running from pillar to post and it's all I can do to keep up with it. But I don't ever want to forget those times, those memories...good or bad. Those are the things that help me get through the times when I'm really missing my mom. When she use to laugh or when she use to cry...they're all memories of my mama. 

Looking back on things, I'm like the typical person who always thinks "could I have done more"? I really don't know that I could've done more, it's taken me many years to get closer to this conclusion. I did my best at the time and I did what I could...I know she was grateful for that and for the time we spent together in her final years. 

They were trying at times and definitely not for the weak. I think it made me a stronger person and also helped to instill certain things in me that most people my age don't do. It helped me to cherish ALL the time and moments that I have with my kids and to just always do the right thing. I want them to be good people like my mom was and like I am. Of course I know they'll falter but I know that they're going to be good people...that is something they are going to get from my mom.