Monday, April 30, 2018

Digital Diet

Digital Diet

April 30, 2018

I read an article in an old issue of Cosmo, yes I know a very 'reliable' source. However the article was about this one writer deciding to go on a 'digital diet'. What is a digital diet you ask...well apparently it is when one decides to take time away from social media and "being present". 

Really?!?! So doing what we've always done in the past now has a term associated with it? I mean c'mon people this is just something we have been doing for decades, we have been engaging in (wait for it)...Human Contact. 

Oh Em Gee!! How is this something new? Why is this a trend? Don't get me wrong I'm all about 'being present', having conversations IRL (in real life) and face to face time. I, and many generations before me are all about that. Don't get me wrong we haven't outright refused to  use technology, in fact we have embraced it and use it to our advantage. But to have to say that "I'm taking a digital diet" is absolutely absurd. 

This is what scares me the most about these younger us this is just common sense. I suspect and have for awhile that common sense isn't so common. I know that there has been a lot of talks about having a 'societal correction' for these helicopter kids who have zero skills but really to proclaim it as if it's a's not. 

Just put down your damn phone and pay attention, maybe that's part of the problem that should be addressed. Not being able to focus too long on anything but social media and mobile devices. Pay attention.

Anyhow I don't know if you will also find this as absurd as I did but here is a picture (not as clear as it could've been) of the article and you can zoom in and shake your head too.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Up, up, up, there's no where but up from here

Up, up, up, there’s no where but up from here

April 2, 2018

I was listening to the radio today when Shania Twain’s hit song ‘Up!’ started to play, I immediately turned up the volume and started to sing along. As I sung along, I started to actually listen to the words a little closer. It struck me as odd as I knew the words and distinctly remember playing this song over and over and over again in 2004.

It was my second serious relationship and I had ended it. I was completely heartbroken and sad but something deep inside of me kept playing this song over and over and over again. Each and every single time I got into the car, I would hit play and repeat on this one song. I bet if I were to look at this CD, there would be a very deep groove where this one song is located on it.

It seems weird as I don’t know what kept me playing this song but my grief, it was as though I was reciting this to myself as a mantra…if I said it enough times I would believe it. Weird how the brain works?

I knew my heart was broken into a million little pieces and the only way I knew how to get back on my feet was to keep telling myself that it would eventually get better. Apparently I did that repeatedly without actually knowing it. Don’t get me wrong I know every single word to this song and can recite it to anyone…but at the time I was just singing it and saying it not actually comprehending it, until now 14 years later. Wow!

This song helped me to get to where I am today. It helped me to build myself back up when I didn’t know if I could. It helped me to believe in myself, love and life again.

I still enjoy hearing this song and will always hit repeat on it when I get the chance. Not sure if it’s out of habit or out of love. Either way it helped to heal my broken heart and I suspect many others out there too.