Thursday, March 19, 2015

Hmm, maybe it wasn't the 'Y'

Hmm, maybe it wasn’t the ‘Y’

March 19, 2015

I recently listened to an interview that was given by a top psychologist in the country; the topic at hand was in particular the generations. The particulars were in regards to how society has decided to change it’s view of the new generation they have dubbed the ‘millennials’.

They talked about how society is raising a “useless generation”; their words not mine. This generation has been coddled so much by their parents that even the parents have the name of ‘helicopter parents’. It seems that the parents have been so busy filling their kid’s time with scheduled activities, that the parent’s aren’t realizing that they’re taking their kids ability to do what they want away. This leads to kids who can’t make a decision to save their lives because their parents have been doing it for them. When they grow up and become adults, how will they function in society? I find it hard to believe that society will be conforming to these kids and their wants and needs.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to have your child in some sort of activity…but at least give them the option to choose what it is they want to do. We shouldn’t be forcing them into something that we want them to do or filling their time because we think they’ll be bored. They need to know how to fill their own time when they have free time, it’s not a bad thing to teach them a little independence.

I know that in this interview they stated that they are now making a ‘shift’ to change this and hopefully rectify the issues that have arisen from this. I don’t know exactly what that means but I know that there are going to be some people out there who just don’t get the concept of independence and will struggle as society will not be conforming to them. They will have to adjust and possibly a correction can be made…honestly I don’t know what will happen but I think it’s a good first step.

I had written a blog about something similar quite awhile back and I found it interesting that all the questioning that I had been doing has finally come to fruition. I may have had the generation wrong but I sure as heck saw the problem. 

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