Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Last Piece of Bread

The Last Piece of Bread

October 26, 2017

I decided to make some toast this morning and grabbed the loaf of bread or I guess what was left of the bread. It was the end piece (the heel) and the second slice in, at first I wasn’t going to use the bread and realized that I had been throwing the ends of the bread out. I don’t know when that changed or what happened that made me think that I could be one of those people who can just throw out good food.

I think the reason this is a little bit of a big deal is that I didn’t grow up with a whole lot of things. We were a one income family as my dad insisted on being the bread winner and wanted my mom to be at home for us. We would go shopping once every two weeks and the food had to last us until the next paycheque came. So to us, we wouldn’t even give it another thought to not eat the end piece of the bread, in fact I think there were times we fought over that piece of bread and here I am years later just wasting it and throwing it out.

Now that I have kids of my own, I want them to appreciate the food that we work hard for and don’t want them to waste things. I want them to know that we work hard for our money and everything we buy. I want them to also work hard for things and also appreciate things so that they won’t waste things either. How do I do that when they see me throwing out the end piece of the bread…as they will think that is a normal thing and I don’t want them think that’s ok.

Amazing how a piece of bread can make you really think things through. Every time I make toast or a sandwich I will always make sure to use the end piece of the bread. I hope that I can pass this along to my kids so that they can appreciate things, food and everything that we work hard for.

Wow, the last piece of bread…so insightful.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Sad to see you go

Sad to see you go

October 17, 2017

I was saddened to hear that Sears had announced that it’s starting to liquidate it’s stock, the final nail in the coffin. The media had made it sound like there might have been hope for Sears to recover initially but sadly that wasn’t the case. A pang of sadness passed through me as I explained in one of my earlier blogs that I had worked there and it was a very big help for me financially and emotionally.

I enjoyed the time I worked there, the people and the atmosphere. Not only was I an employee there but I also shopped there. I shopped there on a regular basis, not only when I worked there but afterwards.

But the biggest thing that I use to look forward to from Sears was the ‘Wishbook’. I don’t think that I was alone in this. I would eagerly wait to get the Wishbook each and every fall, not only as a kid but as an adult. There was always something I could order in the catalogue that was only specific to the holiday season. It was something that wasn’t in rotation throughout the year and wasn’t overly priced. There was always so much to see and no matter how many times you went through the Wishbook you would still peruse through it again and again.

As a kid I would mark the pages and circle the items that I wanted or ‘wished’ to get. I can totally understand why it was called a Wishbook…I think that is what I will miss the most when Sears is gone.

I don’t know what will ever replace that as online shopping just isn’t the same. I feel like I’m getting so old as a lot of the things that I use to find as part of my generations lives are disappearing. I just wish we weren’t losing the Wishbook.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Ella you little bitch

Ella you little bitch!

October 5, 2017

After the boys went to sleep the Mr. and I were sitting down to relax before we hit the hay as well and the cat that I inherited from my mom decided to come down for some pets. She made her way to the Mr. but just as he was about to pet her she ran away. The Mr. looked at her and said “Ella, you little bitch”. I stopped dead in my tracks, as that is exactly what my mom use to call her cat.

The reason that it caught me by surprise was that yes that is verbatim what my mom use to call her. Not only that the Mr. never met my mom, ever. He never had the opportunity to meet her or see with her cat, that is why it surprised me and stopped me dead in my tracks.

I found it funny that the Mr. would call her that and I decided to ask him why he called her that and his response was pretty simple. “Because she is a little bitch”. I remember back in the day I had asked my mom the same question and oddly enough she said the same thing. How odd that these two people who never met but have me and this cat in common have come to the same conclusion about this cat.

I know that it’s an odd thing but something that happened to catch my attention at the time it happened. Despite my mom never meeting the Mr. this just makes me feel like I made the right decision that they both had the same sick sense of humour. I think she would’ve liked him and sometimes I wonder if she’s secretly sending messages through him.

Weird yes, unexpected, no. In the end, Ella really is a little bitch and I like that she’s kept that name even though my mom is gone. I know my mom would be happy that her cat is happy and is still her ‘little bitch’.