Thursday, June 22, 2017



June 22, 2017

I had heard a few weeks ago about Sears filing for bankruptcy and it broke my heart to hear that I had worked there almost 15 years ago. I had since gone into the store to buy a few things as I still actually shopped there and to my surprise the store looked barren, disorganized and just overall like it had given up. It had fallen so far from when I had worked there in 1998 (I think?)

I had just moved here from Ontario and had brought forward some personal debt with me after a messy break-up. In retrospect it wasn’t a whole lot of money that I owed to people but at that time it was a lot of money to me and I wanted to pay everyone back. Not to mention I was out of work and had to borrow money from my sister just to get here, so needless to say I was in a bit of a hurry to pay everyone back as quickly as I could.

I already had a part time job working at a ski hill with my mom, it worked out great as we could carpool but it was only 3 days a week. I needed something that was a bit more permanent, so I heard Sears was hiring and decided I would drop off a resume and interview that same day. Lucky for me, I interview well and they offered me a part time job. It would only be over the holidays and couldn’t guarantee me a permanent position come the New Year. I accepted and figured the extra income couldn’t hurt. I started off a couple days a week but that quickly progressed to 4 days a week, which meant I was working two jobs and working 7 days a week. Looking back on it, I don’t know how I did it and how I didn’t get sick more often…but I didn’t. I worked my butt off and made a payment plan for everyone.

Back in this day, I wrote a lot of post dated cheques and had a calendar hanging on my wall to let me know when I would have payments come out of my bank account. I know it sounds a little archaic but back in that day, that’s how things were done. After about 5 months of working 7 days a week, I had paid off all my outstanding debts. I was surprised that it took me that short of a time period to pay everyone off but when I did get everyone paid off, I was pretty proud of myself.

Anyhow, back on track here…when I worked at Sears we had to be there 10 minutes before our shifts so that we could be up to date on the latest specials and what we had on hand and what we didn’t. I usually worked the night shift as no one really wanted this shift but I didn’t mind. I enjoyed the quiet time and the fact that I could make sure that the area was in tiptop shape before I left each and every night.

My old Supervisor’s name was Elaine and she was such a nice woman and looking back on it she was able to accommodate almost all of our requests. Keep in mind this was coming from all of us 20 year olds who always seemed to have something going on and needed time off. She was a good supervisor, she was stern but not in a bad way. She laid out the expectations that she had for us and the department and I have to say they were pretty strict. Our department had to be cleaned every night and had to be in showroom condition for the morning shift. No shoes hanging around and not put away, no garbage or anything from the shoe boxes laying on the floor. Even the shoe display’s had to all have tags on them and the display shoes were always the left shoes. It took a little bit of time to figure out the routine but once you got it, it was actually pretty easy.

Looking back on how strict things use to be compared to now…I just can’t fathom how far it’s come from where it use to be. What happened? Well, we all know when a company starts to get into financial trouble…the stores start to suffer. However in this case, the stores are bare, large areas of the stores have old display cases in them, piled up just sitting there.

This once pristine and well kept store was just a free for all. I miss how nice the store use to look and it truly makes me sad to know how far it has gone. The signs are all there, despite them filing for bankruptcy protection…I can clearly see that the stores are going to close, it’s just a matter of time.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Making my old life work with my new life

Making my old life work with my new life

June 1, 2017

I’ve been back to work for about a month now and wow oh wow are things a lot different than I thought they would be. Don’t get me wrong I didn’t think everything was going to be unicorns and rainbows but I thought there would be a few hiccups here and there. Little did I know they would put a huge roadblock in that plan.

I went back to work for one day and then was at home with a teething fevered baby for the next 2 days. Then the weekend came and I worked almost all week except for one where one of my littles was sick. The rest of the month was pretty much the same, days off here and there for reasons that were beyond my control. I had no idea heading back to work would cause this much disruption in our day to day lives.

This got me to thinking, how in the world is this going to work where I’m not missing half a month just to take care of my kids. When will this cycle end? I don’t really know how to handle this situation as I’ve never been in it before, this is all new to me.

I am starting to feel a little overwhelmed as I don’t really know how my old life and my new one will fit together. Do I need to completely abandon my old life now that I have kids? I don’t think so but I think I need to make some adjustments. I want to try and keep some of my old life in my new one as that is the person that I am and honestly I don’t think that we’re meant to change 180 degrees when kids come. We make adjustments, we make arrangements, we make it work. And that’s what I’m going to try and do.

I want to try and find that balance between work and home life, try to be there for my kids, the Mister and myself. I suspect as time goes on it will be a lot of trial and error but I will get there. I am too determined of an individual not to, I will try everything before I give up.

For now, woe is me. I will try not to wallow in my self pity and try to think of ways to move ahead and find that balance. Once I do, I think all parties will be happy campers.