Monday, January 20, 2014

A Sad Day...

A Sad Day…

January 20, 2014

Today the movers came to move my mom’s stuff out of her apartment into my house. It was only 2 weeks ago that with the assistance of my friends we moved my stuff from the storage unit into my house. So needless to say, it has been a busy couple of week and I cannot wait until I am done packing.

Since buying the house, I had it painted. It took some time and luckily, I was able to stay at my mom’s place until it was done. I am still living out of boxes and unpacking myself and have now completed the task of moving my mom out of her apartment.

The reason that it is a sad day is because she has lived in this apartment for so long…not only that we have been told that she will not be leaving the hospital. The fact that I am doing the final clean of her apartment is something that I didn’t think we would be doing any time soon. I was always expecting her to come back home after I decluttered her place…I didn’t think she wouldn’t be coming home.
As I stare at the bare walls, clean carpet and little things left behind…a lump starts to develop in my throat. I wish that she could have come back here to see what she helped to accomplish in the purge.
I start to think of all the laughs we had here, all the memories we made. I know it sounds odd and it is just an apartment but to me it is more than that. This was my mom’s home and I honestly never thought she wouldn’t be coming back here.

So for me, it is a sad day…I can’t imagine what it is like for her. I will go and see her after I finish the last few things. The Manager gave her back her full deposit so she will be happy to hear that. In the end though, no one wants to know that you are never going home again.