Monday, December 31, 2012

How Do You Know?

How Do You Know?
December 31, 2012

You know that ability to read people in their actions, thoughts and responses. Well I wish I could turn that part of me off…

Most people would say it’s a good thing to be able to ‘read’ people, I on the other hand might have to disagree. It’s all fine and dandy when you can read someone when good things are happening, but when bad things are happening, well…it’s not so good. This is when someone can break your heart with one look or one off the cuff comment. You can look into their eyes and see to their soul. It’s as though they don’t want to do it but they know they have to. Deep down you know they have to as well but you’re not ready to hear it yet, I hate the way that makes me feel, so exposed, so vulnerable, so heartbroken. I just want to cry.

That’s when I wish I could just shut that part of my brain off for a little while and live in what I like to call ‘make believe land’. It seems like it would be nicer to be completely oblivious to people’s actions and thoughts. I know that there are many people who live this way; they just do not have a clue. You wonder how they can function in the ‘real world’ and how they can even tie their own shoelaces.  I guess the benefit to this is that they do not experience the heartbreak or disappointment. They are just as surprised at the outcome as everyone else is, is this a better way to function?

I cannot say for sure either way, I guess that is just a part of being human but I could do without the hurt.