Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Who Wants a Pink Car...I Want a Pink Car

On my leisure stroll with the dog, I happened to see a part of my past staring me in the face. I had to do a double take to ensure that it really truly was a piece of my history. There in the 7-11 parking lot sat a 1996 Chevy Cavalier Z22, not just any was a Pink Cavalier, or as the dealership described it on the bill of sale, 'Raspberry.'
It was the fall of '96 and I was itching for a new ride. I was sick of my Corsica and decided that I would buy a new Cavalier; it was the year the new body style came out. After going into the dealership and narrowing it down to two doors, my last decision was the colour. It was either red or pink. The common sense part of my brain said red, but as you all know common sense is not so common. After weighing the pro's and cons, I decided on pink. My rationale, well growing up in a small town everyone I knew had a red car. I decided that people would be able to recognize me in my pink car. Boy was I right!
People who were looking for me would see my car and know exactly where I was. As time went on this became more of a curse than a blessing. If you think living in a small town sucks, try living in a small town driving the only pink car. If people didn't know what I was doing they didn't have to look very far to find out. This started to really annoy me, as I am a very private person and don’t like everyone knowing my business.
After the car was paid off, I made the conscience decision to sell it or trade it in...Fortunately I was able to sell the car for more of a profit than the dealership was going to give me on trade in. I honestly didn’t think I was going to sell it; but low and behold I found another person who wanted a pink car. It was a young gal; who thought the pink was too cute to pass up…I didn’t have the heart to tell her that she should get ready for everyone to know her business. As I watched my pink car drive away, I walked over to my new shiny silver car and thought “…what’s so special about this car?” Then it dawned on me…I can blend in anywhere and no one will be the wiser.
Despite all the grief I got about buying a pink car, given the option I would probably do it again.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Wanna Sub?

Tonight in a panic I was asked to sub for another ball team. I decided I would help them out because I'm sure if we asked them for a sub they would help us out.

I kind of had a chuckle as during the regular season we are mortal enemies yet when push comes to shove we will help each other out in a pinch.

It's kind of like an all-star game we can collectively play together as a team, yet we dawn our home teams colours. And it's surprising just how well we play together and we have a great time and really bond. But when game time is over we all head our separate ways and await our next game against each other. Knowing full well that despite our connection we are still vying for the same trophy and in the end still enemies...that is until one of us needs a sub.